Sunday, June 15, 2008

Don't Ever Say Goodbye

This is one of the first poems I ever wrote, a long time ago for a friend whom I dearly loved and who was taken from me by fate. The years have passed and her memories have blurred, but this poem lingers on in my heart...

I could search beyond the never ending stars
Beyond the depths of the deepest oceans,
To look for something that is ours
And not one word can describe these emotions.

Its those eyes of gold
And that heart you hold,
Its you I want to see
With you I want to be.

I just want everything to go so right
And for things to reach a never-ending height,
This is a feeling I have never once got
You've got my heart all up in a knot.

I'm just so glad I've met you
You're just too good to be true,
I don't want you to leave my lonely side
Please girl, don't ever say goodbye...

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